Add or Edit a Listing

Edit:  View/edit your listing here. Your listing is on the right (PC) or down below (Mobile).

Add: Select the listing type to add below. You will be asked to create a user account.

Add a Room to Rent listing if you have a spare room in your house or flat to rent:

  • Add one listing free
  • Advertise up to two rooms in the same property
  • Details the room/house/flat and type of person you are looking for
  • Have your room and home photos ready
    (Max 2.9 Mb each - up to 8 photos)

Add a Housemate listing if you want to find a room or are looking for other people to share with, but don't have a house or flat yet:

  • Add one listing free
  • Add some personality to your description
  • Express your housemate preferences in full
  • Have one photo of yourself ready
    (Max 2.9 Mb in size)


Q1. Is the site only for home owners?

A. No, lead tenants, agents and live-out landlords can also list rooms or properties for rent. You can see on each listing what type of landlord is offering a room. Over 85% are live-in landlords, who you'll share with.

Q2. Can other users see all of my details?

A. No, your private contact details, such as email, are never displayed as we offer a private messaging system to protect your identity. If you choose to add a phone mumber then this can be see. If not then it can't. All other details are only displayed if a 'required' field (such as room type, location and room/property features) is completed by you, or you choose to complete a voluntary field (We recommend you provide as much detail and description as possible, as other users like this)

Q3. Is my listing completely free?

A. Yes, there is no charge to register and add one listing of either type, but you do have the option to speed things up by making yourself a Premium member, appearing at the top of searches, able to contact anyone and enabling all users to contact you. 

Q4. How long does it take to get a response?

A. This depends entirely on your room or housemate listing and who happens to be looking in your location for those preferences and features. What we do know is that being a specialised mature house sharing site, that people take a little longer to make up their minds about what they want and that successful shares are all about finding like-minded people. So it can take a few weeks depending on where you are and what you are looking for.