Flat sharing in later life is part of ageless living

More and more people are joining the ‘ageless’ trend and embracing a lifestyle that is not dictated by how we are supposed to live at certain stages of our lives. Whether that is going to festivals, sharing a flat, or deciding to take a gap year in your 50s, all point to living more freely.
Eva Orasch, Cofounder at Cohabitas, talked to Good Housekeeping about how flat sharing in mid to later life is becoming increasingly popular and how it can open up many new opportunities as we grow older.
Cohabitas members Catherine and Carole talked to the magazine about their positive experience of renting a place together in Lewes over the last year and a half.
Read the article about flat sharing and the interview with Catherine and Carole published in Good Housekeeping this month. Interview by Ellie Fennell, photo by Good Housekeeping.
If you have had a good experience of sharing in your 40s, 50s or 60s and would like to tell others how to create the right sharing situation, please get in touch. We’d love to hear your story.
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