News & Inspiration
There are so many ways to share a home and these can be an inspiration to others. We also try to keep you up-to-date with new shared-housing options. If you'd like to contribute a story contact us. You can find a house sharing research summary here.
Latest posts
Homeless in Seattle. Community and sharing.
Now here’s a good idea. A local Seattle resident has built a tiny house in his backyard for a homeless person to live in. Truly inspirational.
Read MoreInter-generational living
10 Minute Interview with Hermi & Heidi In today’s interview we talk to a mother and daughter who live in…
Read MoreElderly housemates – Life at 100.
Living to over 100 years old is something more and more people will experience. How can house sharing help?
Read MoreAttitudes to house sharing survey
A Cohabitas research report reveals that 1 in 4 (23%) mature adults between the age of 45 and 85 have…
Read MoreA visit to Saettedammen Co-housing in Denmark
Danish cohousing pioneer Ole in the communal dining area of the Saettedammen community
Read MoreTen minute interview: Co-housing pioneer Arne Bjerre
Arne Bjerre and his wife were founding members of the Saettedamen cohousing community in Denmark
Read MoreThe Older Women’s Co-Housing story
The Older Women’s Co Housing scheme in North London
Read MoreGrowing old among friends: third age cooperatives
Manuel Beltrán and Baudi Lozano met on joining the cooperative and went on to form a couple.
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